Prophetic Word to Faith Assembly of God Kiln Mississippi July 4,2021  

Ezekiel 37:14 “I'll breathe my life into you, and you'll live. Then I'll lead you straight back to your land and you'll realize that I am God. I've said it and I'll do it. God's Decree.”  MSG   This Nation, which was established by your founding Fathers, many of whom were upright and walked in Righteousness before Me, has in the Spiritual Realm become a Dry and Wasted Land.   These men labored for months and in much prayer to come into unity of Mind and Spirit, to agree upon the Precepts which would be the guidelines of how this Government would be Governed. Understand that much of what they agreed upon was with the thought that this would be a Nation under God.   These men knowingly set up a constitution that contained language that would cost them much and indeed it did! Many of those who signed the Declaration of Independence and formed the Governing Guidelines of this Land lost all they possessed and some their very lives.   The Sacrifices and the Blood that they and succeeding Generations of Men and Women who gave their all that this Land would remain free to Serve and Worship without restraint cry out from the Grave for Revival to come once again to this Nation.   Yes, this is a Spiritually Dry and Thirsty Land, but even in the desert I in My Sovereignty have been establishing Oases. All across this Land I have been establishing Places of Refreshing. 

 I have established Hubs of Habitation and I am about to establish even more Places of Refreshing says The Lord!  Did I not declare through My Prophet Isaiah,   “Blind eyes will be opened, deaf ears unstopped, Lame men and women will leap like deer, the voiceless break into song.  Springs of water will burst out in the wilderness, streams flowing in the desert. [Isaiah 35:5-6 MSG]   Now is the time for this Prophecy to be revealed! Hear Me, Before Civil War broke out within this Nation there was a line established called the Mason Dixie Line.  It was a line that was birthed in the heart of Satan as he endeavored to bring a war that would tear this Nation apart and keep it from fulfilling its Divine Destiny.   Satan’s goal was to establish a line that would create a division between the North and South and although most thought it was a war to abolish slavery, in the plan of Satan, it was a war to Establish Slavery in the hearts of men!   Slavery to hatred and prejudices, Slavery to all that is unholy and vile and to bring into fruition, through this Slavery, all that is Anti-God, Anti-Christ, and Anti-Holy Spirit! That was just the beginning of his Demonic Plan!    But hear Me says the Lord, before this Nation was founded and the life giving waters of the Mississippi were discovered, the powers of Hell set about to erect Satanic walls and strong towers along its banks.  Satan knew the day would come when My Glory would sweep across this Nation bringing a Revival of Power and Unity, and he was determined to establish a line to keep that Glory from spreading. 

 Yes, there was a time of bitter war between the North and the South and in the minds of men, that war ended years ago, but in the hearts of men it is still being played out today. But, Hear Me says the Lord, The Greatest unseen war in the Natural is the war that is going on in the Spiritual between the East and the West.   Hear Me! Since the founding of this Nation, I have had Men and Women of God who were Empowered by My Holy Spirit. They were Revivalist who refused to compromise the Message of the Cross. Their Intercession for Revival in this Land still circles My Throne!  And being a Covenant Keeping God, I must fulfill My Promise to them of a Last Great Awakening Revival!   I say to you, I am about to Breathe upon the Waters of Revival in this City and send it coursing as a Mighty River from here to the Four Corners of this Nation. Did I not Prophecy to you many years ago that even as a River of Illegal Whiskey flowed from the Kilns of this city to the Nation so would My New Wine would flow from this City to the four corners of this Nation?   Why have you forgotten My Promise? Why have you cast aside the Words of My Prophets?  Am I not God and am I not able to do the Miraculous in your day?  My Glory is about to be poured out but whether it will happen in this House depends on if You will start believing My Word or if you will continue to reject it with your unbelief!   I am about to Breathe upon the Flames of Revival and Cause that Fire to spread. Those places that have been cast aside and labeled as dead and dry shall experience a Resurrection from Death to Life even as the Dead Dry Bones in Ezekiel’s Vision.   

 Hear Me, I desire to implant in You a Renewed Vision for Revival, a Renewed Passion for the Lost, and a Renewed Hunger for My Glory.  Many of you, I will wreck with My Glory changing the way you approach your mandate to go into all the World.   You, My Anointed Ones who have been laboring in the fields of ministry, I am about to take you to Higher Heights with Me than you have ever thought possible. I will come to you at an appointed time, and I will not just wreck you, but I will lay you out to where you will not be able to move or minister for days as My Shekinah Glory opens the Mysteries of Heaven to you.   I will show you wonders such as I did to John on the Isle of Patmos. I will show you the plans of the ages and give you Revelation of the Days ahead. What I show you will cause your very bones to quake and your Spirit to break forth in Exuberant Praise. And yet, I will break you as you have never been broken! After that I will clothe you with the Garment of Anointing to Operate in the Miraculous!   Does not My Word declare in the Book of Mark that My disciples went everywhere and preached, and that I the Lord God worked through them, confirming what they said by many miraculous signs? [16:20 NLT] The day of My working through My Anointed Ones with Miraculous Signs is here, but first I must Transform your thinking so that You have an Unshakable Knowledge of Me and My Glory!   Here Me, those who will allow Me to take possession of all that you are so that My Glory can be revealed in you, I will Birth within you a Supernatural Faith to not just talk about the Miraculous but to Operate in the Miraculous. It will be an unwavering Faith that does not question if I can but, will act in Faith Believing!

 The Four Winds spoken in Ezekiel are about to invade this Sanctuary and transform your mode of worship! When My Full Glory invades this House, there will be no dismissal hour of your church services as many will not be able to walk away from the weight of My Glory that will fill your Sanctuaries.   These Four Winds will bring such a Passion for the Lost that many intercessors will remain in the Sanctuary all through the night to Minister to the lost that will come in the middle of the night to be saved and set free from every type of bondage.   Just as what took place during the Hebrides Revival, My Holy Spirit will awaken people at two, three in the morning with such a strong conviction of their sins that they will leave their homes running to the Church to confess their sins and receive Me as Their Lord!   The Winds will also bring such a Powerful Love that the Love for one another will break down every door that separates and bring My Church into a Spirit of Unity such as has never been seen!   Hear Me, You, who have been sitting on the fence with a wait and see attitude, you will not see or experience all that I have said I will do!  Now is the time to enter in! Now is the time to commit your life, your gifting’s, your talents and your fears to the One who has called you out of darkness!   To every Blood Bought Child of God in this place, when I saved you, I saved you with a purpose in mind.  I not only cleansed you, but I endowed you with a Talent, a Ministry. Today I ask you, what have you done with the Talent I gave you? 

 Soon I will call upon you to give an account as to what you have done with the talent, the calling, the Mantle I placed upon your life! Stop listening to the lies of the enemy that your not able, or your to young or too old or to inexperienced! If I called you then I qualified you! I call You to surrender to the Calling I have Called You to!   Beloved, how prepared are you to train and disciple a hundred or more new converts that will be added to your church in one day? You say within your heart, “O that will never happen!” Am I not God? Did I not add 3,000 to the 120 in one day? And did I not add an additional 2,000 to that number in one day not counting women and children? What makes you think I can’t or will not do it again?   Hear Me, the Harvest that I am bringing in this last hour will be so Great that men will not be able to keep count of the number of souls that will be added to the Kingdom daily! So, I ask you, are you prepared? I say to you, “It is time to stop walking in the natural and start walking in the supernatural!   My Prophet Elijah said He heard the sound of an abundance of rain, and I said to My servant David, when you hear the sound of shuffling in the Mulberry Trees get ready to move out, and I say now to you lift your ears toward the heavens for there is a sound that I am about to release upon this land. It is the sound that was heard in the upper room, the sound of a Mighty Rushing Wind!   The Wind is My Breath, and It is a Sound of Revival for Your Cities, Your Regions, Your Schools, Your Churches, and Your Homes! I will fulfill My Word and I will pour out My Spirit upon all flesh. Stop saying that the next generation will see the Glory of God! You are the last generation before I come and take away My Bride!   

 Stop saying the days of signs and wonders are almost upon us!  I say to you this is the day for signs and wonders. What I spoke to the two blind men who cried out have mercy on us I now speak unto you, “According to your faith, be it unto you!” [Matthew 9:29]   WORD OF THE LORD AS SPOKEN TO Prophet Fred Aguilar